Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Letter 2012

Christmas 2012
Katie - Kristine  - Rebecca - John  - Andrew -  William
Dear Ones:
This year, 2012, has been a remarkable year with many Ups and Downs for all of us.
I would like to offer you some thoughts, as I am often prone to do around this time of year.
Simply that, “ Love Lasts Forever “
We hold people, thoughts, wishes, desires and prayers in our hearts and in our minds.
Especially around the holidays when we miss those no longer with us and as your Grampa
Bill says that are now in “ the True World “. We are faced with many disappointments and
unexpected events in our time.
I want so much to be with you and spend loving time with you because it is truly the most
precious of all gifts. Time is not to be squandered. I am hoping that someday I will be able to
accomplish this task by reaching out to you personally & with you individually.
We do not know our allotted time on this planet. We have all lost family, friends and
acquaintances that we will miss forever. I offer these words not to be maudlin, but to lift you up
and put us in a place to celebrate the precious gift of time with each other.
Tangible gifts are, of course, always nice and are appreciated. I have arrived at
the place in my thinking and belief that I shall concentrate on important things and making
I treasure those memories that I hold with each of you, individually. I feel blessed that you
are in my life and we have opportunities ahead to make more memories and share the most
important things … remembering that love we hold in our hearts lasts forever.
Those of you that are now parents understand the depth of loving a child of your own and the
memories already made. Those of you that will become a parent will come to understand
and know this for yourselves .
Please know this, that I am proud of each one of you I want to do and be better ….